New Rules, Big Thrills: A World of Possibilities!

In the world of youth soccer, maintaining participation and enthusiasm among neophyte players is a continuous challenge. What if we could reshape their early experiences to ensure they remain engaged and committed to the sport for the long haul? The SOCCERevolution proposes a novel (proven approach) to doing just that: introducing soccer in a unique […]


The ‘SOCCERevolutions’ Not-Set-In-Stone “Playing Rules” changes for the U-6, U-8, U-10, and U-12 age groups have sparked nationwide interest in reforming youth soccer. Engaged readers, such as Pat Ferre, have fervently shared their critiques and innovative ideas. Experts with deep knowledge of youth soccer, the Laws of the Game, and refereeing are actively contributing to […]

FUNdamental SOCCER – U8 Playing Rules

Why shake things up for this age group? If we want our kids to grow up with a genuine love for the game, and the traditional methods haven’t quite hit the mark, let’s toss in some new flavors. Blending the old with a dash of something new is the beginning of a winning recipe! 1.  […]

FUNdamental SOCCER – U6 Playing Rules

Why shake things up for this age group? If we’re aiming to create an environment that sets our kids up for a lifetime of loving the game, let’s mix the tried-and-true with a dash of something new … 1.  FIELD of PLAY A.  DIMENSIONS:  Keep the field rectangular, not too big or small—just right for […]

I know the Rules

5 to 6 – I Know the Rules! Championing to the Use of a Routine By Ellen Booth Church “I can do it, Mrs. Marsh! I’m really good at that!” As Madison returns the books to the shelves after group time, she reminds Jared that he forgot to pick up his floor mat and store […]

Preparing for the ‘New-Normal’ Season

SportsEdTV Soccer is committed to bringing athletes, coaches, and parents pro-level Soccer education videos for FREE. All levels, anywhere, anytime. Check out our full instructional library and sign up to join our Soccer community. Karl Dewazien of FUNdamental SOCCER, Emeritus State Director of Coaching for the California Youth Soccer Association 1978-2012, discusses how to start preparing for the next season […]

New U.S. Youth Soccer Mandates –Trials & Transitions

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Congratulations on the past Fall recreational playing season. Unless your team participated in postseason tournaments, the fall season wrapped up a little over two months ago. For the leagues within District 7 that had already implemented the new playing rules that U.S. Youth Soccer will mandate nationwide this coming August 2017, it may have been […]


Every year, at this time, we tend to make personal New Year’s resolutions in areas of personal growth, professional growth, and areas that we may feel we can improve upon in the coming year. Recently, a good friend and I were talking about how we could make our professional lives ‘easier or better,’ we concluded […]

Dealing with Missed Calls

During soccer games, referees make countless decisions and signal correctly. At times however, officials can be seen pointing in the wrong direction, missing a flag from an assistant, blowing the whistle when it is not needed or showing cards when they could have used an alternate way to handle a situation.

We are all human and are bound to make mistakes but it is how we explain our decisions, how quickly we correct them and how often we make them that determines how effective we are at successfully controlling the games we are asked to orchestrate.