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Fundamental Soccer Blog

SOCCERevolution – MINDSET (Part 1)

Attracting players and keeping them playing into and past their teen years are more likely to improve by doing the following…

Inclusive approach:

Replace ‘Try-outs’ with Invite-Ins!

Here’s the deal: every child deserves a fair shake on the field, with no exceptions. So, let’s kick those old tryouts to the curb – they’re so yesterday. Instead, let’s introduce something revolutionary: the ‘Invite-In’ system. It’s simple – every child gets a team spot, no ifs, ands, or buts. We’re all about inclusivity here, making sure every young player feels like a champ and has the chance to show their stuff on the field. So, what do you say? Let’s make this soccer world a place where everyone’s a winner.

Equal team formation:

Keep things fair and fierce out there! Picture this: every game is a nail-biter, with teams’ neck and neck giving it their all. That’s the magic of forming fairly equal teams. There are no unfair advantages, no blowout victories—just good ol’ fair play. Because, let’s face it, nobody enjoys being on the losing side of a one-sided game. Ensuring teams are evenly matched promotes healthy competition, builds confidence, and keeps the passion for the game alive.

Co-ed Teams:

A chance to learn from each other! Every child brings something unique to the field. When boys and girls come together, they appreciate and learn from each other’s strengths. But it’s not just about the skills; it’s about understanding and respecting each other. Boys and girls approach the game differently, but that’s what makes it exciting! They can learn to communicate, cooperate, and support each other, creating a tight-knit team that’s ready to take on any challenge. So, when they step onto the field together, they’re not just playing soccer—they’re celebrating diversity, building friendships, and becoming better players and people along the way.

Equal representation:

Every team must have both a male and female coach! This should not be negotiable! There should be no ifs, ands, or buts about it! Having a diverse coaching staff isn’t just a suggestion—it’s a must-have in the U-6 to U-12 age groups. Kids need to see both female and male coaches on the sidelines, showing them that soccer is a game for everyone. It’s time to step up and set the standard for equal representation in soccer.

Additionally, having female and male coaches brings a sweet balance of perspectives. You see, the whole fair and firm deal? It’s about keeping things consistent, setting boundaries, and making sure everyone plays by the rules. Having both female and male coaches helps kids understand what’s expected of them, teaches them discipline, and shows them how to respect authority, whether it’s the coach or the ref. It’s like finding that perfect mix of support and structure, giving young athletes the guidance they need to shine on and off the field. So, let’s make it happen—every team, every sideline, every game!”


So, what’s the big deal with these changes? It’s not just about making better soccer players—it’s about ensuring every child feels like they belong and love being out on the field into and past their teen years! When we embrace inclusivity, fairness, and diversity in everything we do, we’re creating a soccer community where every future star can show what they’re made of and develop, both in the game and life. Let’s work together to bring “the SOCCERevolution” to reality so that every child knows they matter, stays fired up, and keeps playing for a lifetime.

Your feedback, and comments are needed, and I look forward to hearing from you. Your participation is crucial, so please, add your name to the “Signatures of Support’ list as we continue this journey. Stay tuned for (Part #2)
