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Great thoughts in Cony’s ‘Down-to-Earth’ article! Also, I have noticed that soccer countries such as Holland are backing the supervised drop-in sessions for street soccer. No coaching, just playing. As you’ve said for years, Karl, intrinsically motivated players playing independently for the love of the game help players learn to solve their soccer problems and […]

An Open Letter to Our Soccer Community

Dear Parents, Coaches, Club Directors, Having coached soccer in college and the pro game for over 22 years and now being in the business of placing players into the right fit college soccer program for them, I watch a lot of youth soccer from coast to coast, and even internationally, While watching these matches and […]

Saving Low Shots

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When keepers dive for shots hit low and to the side, one of the biggest mistakes they make is to not get their hands low early.  What this means is that when a keeper dives to his left side for a low ball, he will take a last step with his left foot to the […]

Addressing the Issue

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Addressing the Issue Striking a soccer ball has been compared to a golf swing and me trying to say what is causing a specific spin on the ball without seeing the strike is like me going to a golf instructor and saying that I slice the ball, now without ever seeing me hit the ball, […]

Stay on Your Feet As Long As Possible

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Stay on Your Feet As Long As Possible Keepers that do too much diving or dive when it’s not necessary often suffer from poor footwork. Other times it’s pure laziness.  Some of the dangers of diving when not necessary. Increased risk of injury. Greater risk of not being able to hold a ball. Not being […]

Dealing With Crosses #3

by  Don Williams Small Sided games. The crossing game I like best is taking 2 goals putting one on the goal line and the other at the top of the 18 yard box. We then have two neutral wingers who play wide outside the 18. These two wingers are free players that may not be […]

The Perfection Game

by  Don Williams Always use the 6 yard box for training crosses. The keepers need this for a reference point. When I have 2 or more keepers, one of my favorite games to play I call “perfection”. The game is simple, but forces the keepers to focus very hard on all the coaching points for […]

Handling Crosses #2

by  Don Williams Always use the 6-yard box for training crosses. The keepers need this for a reference point. The keepers begin each with a ball. The coach is standing out wide, between the edge of the 6-yard box and the edge of the 18-yard box. The keeper throws the coach a ball and prepares […]

Handling Crosses #1

by  Don Williams One of the problems I see most often with keeper is how they handle crosses. Keepers either chase them down like a drunk chasing a balloon or stay on their line and let everyone else deal with them. This brings up a question. Why is a goal keeper like Dracula?  Because their […]