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Harnessing the Power of Structured Processes (Part 1

I’m Jan Eric Nordmo, and I’ve worn many hats over the years—town commissioner, Boy Scout leader, sports facility owner, and soccer coach. In all these roles, one thing stands out: structured processes are game-changers. They guide us to successful outcomes and help us grow personally and professionally. Let’s explore how structured processes can make a big difference in soccer.

Making a Plan:

-Think about what skills kids need at different ages.

-Create simple lessons that match their age and ability.

-Just like teaching safety rules in the community, teach soccer skills step by step.

Giving Encouragement:

Celebrate when kids do well, even with small things.

-This makes kids feel good and want to try harder.

-It’s like cheering for people who help out in the community.

Following Rules:

Rules are important for everyone’s safety and to keep things fair.

-Make sure kids know the rules and stick to them.

-Just like how we follow rules in the community to keep things running smoothly.

Checking How Things Are Going:

-Keep an eye on how kids are doing in soccer.

-See what’s working well and what needs to improve.

-This is like checking if community projects are helping people.

Setting Up the Right Environment:

The Practice:


FUNdamental SOCCER – U6 Playing Rules – Fundamental Soccer

FUNdamental SOCCER – U8 Playing Rules – Fundamental Soccer

FUNdamental SOCCER U-10 Playing Rules – Fundamental Soccer

FUNdamental SOCCER – U-12 Playing Rules – Fundamental Soccer

-Make sure the soccer field and equipment are safe and ready.

-Plan ahead to make sure everything runs smoothly.

-Like how we set up safe places for community events.

Teaching Method:

Show & Tell … (Demonstration) – show them how to do it.

                             (Explanation) – tell them how to do it.

  • Help them try to do it.
  • Let them do it on their own & help only when necessary.

-This sequence helps kids understand and learn better.

-It’s like teaching someone a new game step by step.

Watching and Learning:

-Pay attention to how kids play soccer.

-Look at data and facts to see what’s going well and what’s not.

-This helps coaches make better plans, like how businesses make strategies based on information.

The Coaching Process:

Look at how the kids are doing, set goals, make a plan, try it out, and then see how it goes.

-Keep doing this to keep improving.

-Like how we plan community projects, see how they go, and make changes for next time.


Structured Steps make coaching soccer easier and more FUN for everyone. These simple methods allow coaches, parents, and kids to enjoy soccer and improve together. Let’s keep learning and improving together!

Jan Eric Nordmo

A seasoned entrepreneur and sports innovator with extensive experience in sports development, coaching, and mentorship. As a U.S. Soccer Coaching Educator, CalNorth ODP Coach Mentor / Developer, and former owner of successful sports facilities, Jan has dedicated over three decades to enhancing sports experiences and outcomes. His leadership roles in community and youth organizations, including the Rotary Club and Boy Scouts of America, underscore his commitment to service and development. Additionally, Jan Eric serves as an IberCup Ambassador, promoting community engagement and international playing experiences, and has multiple connections through the sports and events world.
