
“All too often, children are introduced to complex sports activities for which they are not yet physically and mentally ready. Expecting a child to comprehend and respond to the complex situations in the full soccer game format as the goalkeeper will only beget frustration and feelings of failure.”

-Horst Wein  Creator, Internationally Renowned Youth Football Development Model

Attributes of a Goalkeeper

The keeper position calls for physical and mental skills that a growing child is just starting to develop.  Being aware of the present stage of development of the individual can aid in the successful training of the keeper.  Consider some attributes of an ideal Goalkeeper:

Reading the opponents cue

train towards this illustration

The Goalkeeper needs to have foreknowledge of what the opponent’s alternatives are and then force the opponent to do the opposite.

Young keepers do not have had enough experience to know what the opponent’s choices are. You must show them.

The ability to control one's thoughts.

Train towards this illustration

The Goalkeeper’s attention must be directed to the flow of the game while ignoring distractions from off the field.

A strong believe in their own skills

Expect young goalkeepers to have the feeling that their only job is to stop the ball from going into the goal.

Train toward being the “Director” of play: the Last Line of Defense, and the First Line of Attack.

The ability to concentrate on the ball while ignoring personal safety

Stress the effort your keeper makes rather than the outcome of their actions.

A firmness of purpose

Expect young keepers to be indecisive with their feet glued down. Train them to be hungry for any ball that enters their area.

Emphasize the effort and hunger rather than the final result while developing the basics.

Placing to the disadvantage of the opponent

Expect young keepers to have their feet glued to one spot – generally the goal line. Train toward coming off the line and cutting off angles.

Training a keeper always begins from a point of reference (penalty spots and goalposts).

We recommend the 3-in-1 goals from Farpost Soccer.

Reading the opponents cue

train towards this illustration

The Goalkeeper needs to have foreknowledge of what the opponent’s alternatives are and then force the opponent to do the opposite.

Young keepers do not have had enough experience to know what the opponent’s choices are. You must show them.

The ability to control one's thoughts.

Train towards this illustration

The Goalkeeper’s attention must be directed to the flow of the game while ignoring distractions from off the field.

A strong believe in their own skills

Expect young goalkeepers to have the feeling that their only job is to stop the ball from going into the goal.

Train toward being the “Director” of play: the Last Line of Defense, and the First Line of Attack.

The ability to concentrate on the ball while ignoring personal safety

Stress the effort your keeper makes rather than the outcome of their actions.

A firmness of purpose

Expect young keepers to be indecisive with their feet glued down. Train them to be hungry for any ball that enters their area.

Emphasize the effort and hunger rather than the final result while developing the basics.

Placing to the disadvantage of the opponent

Expect young keepers to have their feet glued to one spot – generally the goal line. Train toward coming off the line and cutting off angles.

Training a keeper always begins from a point of reference (penalty spots and goalposts).

We recommend the 3-in-1 goals from Farpost Soccer.

Developing Goalkeeper Techniques


Technique Development

Introduce the Basics

  • Ready Position
  • Movement to ball
  • Ground ball save
  • Securing
  • Bowling release


Technique Development

The Basics should be highly developed

  • Below waist saves
  • Above waist saves
  • Diving
  • Baseball Release

Gradual Increase of Responsibility


Modified Goalkeeper Area

Hands may be used within this area. Confine the players’ thinking and training solely to this area.


Modified Goalkeeper Area

Hands may be used within this area. Confine the players’ thinking and training solely to this increased area.

These are excerpts
from FUNdamental SOCCER Goalkeeping

The book is simple and thorough, giving you and the player a great understanding of training for this very unique position.  For the inexperienced coach of goalkeeping, this book is a ‘must’.  For the experienced coach, it will offer a more efficient and organized approach for teaching the FUNdamentals of goalkeeping.

This 125-page book, packed with instructional illustrations and diagrams, will guide you through the adventure of mastering this most challenging position.

Only $12.95