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Provoking a Reaction

The Clubs Being Used to Beat Our Children (Soccer Clubs, That Is) In our complicated world, tension between competing ideas is important. It’s kind of like how some medicines can help or poison you and how being an individual can be both good and bad – it can make you strong, but it can also […]

Be Your Own Hero

Be your own hero!  Neither Batman Nor Jüergen Klopp. Notice a simple fact. Robin did not name himself Batboy nor Batman Jr. Even when Dick Grayson rebranded himself as Nightwing, it was partially to come into his own. Only when he took over the role of Batman did he also take on the name. In […]

These Joyous Means May Not Have Soccer Ends

I was asked about the use of certain “games” in the US with young soccer players such as Stuck in the Mud, Red Light Green Light, or Shark and Minnows. The thoughts below do not represent an in-depth study of the situation, and these are just “thoughts.” The Strider or Balance Bike is a product […]