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Fundamental Soccer Blog

What Makes A Good Coach? #4

by  Dr. Alan Goldberg

The best coaches KEEP THE GAME IN PERSPECTIVE – They do not get distracted by how big any one game is in relation to their job as a teacher. Similarly, they understand that sports are just games and are merely a vehicle to teach their charges other, more important life lessons. They understand that what they teach and how they teach it will have an impact on the student that goes far beyond the sport.

Dr. Alan Goldberg

Dr. Goldberg was the sport psychology consultant to the 1999 NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champion University of Connecticut Huskies, and the 2000 men’s soccer NCAA champions. He is the former Sports Psychology Consultant for the University of Connecticut Athletic Department and continues to work with their men’s soccer program. He draws from 25+ years of experiences working with athletes and teams of all ages and levels to help you develop motivation and achieve peak performance, no matter at what level you compete! Learn more about Dr. Alan Goldberg at Competitive Advantage.
